v8 v8
Racing Products

The long awaited sequel to Flathead Fever has now arrived, Flathead Fever 2 is now available which is the most relevant parts of Flathead Fever and Street Flathead joined together with new material added for the most up to date flathead information available on the planet. The all new FF2 is in full colour and is 135 pages in length and costing $40 ea.

Their is still some copies of Flathead Tuning Manual available which is also in full colour costing $27 each

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MIKE DAVIDSON PO Box 1348 Victor Harbor SA 5211 Australia
[P]0011 61 8 8554 7141 [M]0011 61 412 002 617 [F]0011 61 8 8554 7148 [E] mrd@dragnet.com.au